Car parking solutions in London, Europe’s fastest growing capital, continues to challenge property developers and even homeowners to optimise land usage. Building restrictions above ground limit building heights and footprint, calling for innovative car parking solutions particularly in the city center where opportunities for underground parking are limited by large concentrations of underground services, utilities and transit systems.
• There are 2,56 million registered cars in London – 40% of London households own one car, and 12% own two or more cars;
• The average car spends 80% of the time parked at home and 4% of the time parked elsewhere;
• The average hourly parking rate in London is £ 9.10 per hour;
• Britain’s most expensive parking space, an underground three bay unit for three cars, was sold in 2014 for £400,000;
• Properties offering some form of parking sell at a premium of 10 percent to similar properties without parking.
An Automated Parking System (APS) is the most advanced and innovative parking solution that we offer for commercial car parks. Advantages include:
• Reducing building area and volume used by fifty percent
• Accurate and damage free parking of cars
• Absolute security as there no pedestrian access to the storage area
Stacking of cars two high in the home environment using a lift system:
• Utilises the same footprint as for one car;
• Adds additional convenience and value to domestic dwellings.